

  1. 答:Las week, we had a talk about the pros and cons of KFC. Someone thought that it was very convenient and time saving, because today everyone needed to work. However someone said it was harmful to our bodies since the fried chicken had a lot of fat and deadful materials, also the nutritions couldn’t be guaranteed. As far as I see, we can have them when necessary, but shouldn’t eat too much
  1. 答:universities should offer more opportunity for students to find internship in order to get working experience after they learned the main courses. After all panies attach great importance prehensive ability, especially the working experience, which es a precondition if students want to acquire a good job. Take my sister for instance. When she was a undergraduate, not only she studied well and got good grade in every exams, but she also found many internship which are appropriate for her major. During that time, she was not so busy because she does not have courses in university, she could focus on the internship of working in Sony. Finally, she got the offer from PWC due to her working experience.
